Let me start off by saying that Digital Rights Management (DRM) implementations are generally despised by many users, myself included. If you don't believe me just Google "DRM" and "Stinks", "Sucks", or other appropriate negative word and you will get plenty of hits. The technical press is full of stories about Draconian measures, discontinued services, and software implementations that more closely resemble malware than anything else. In short, many implementations do little to stop piracy but in the attempt, tend to aggravate legitimate customers.
Although I don't like it, I understand the reason for it. Content owners who deliver popular movies, music, software, and books often lose lots of money when their stuff is widely pirated. (Although I don't buy their argument that every pirated copy is a lost sale.) I have worked for software companies where we estimated that there were in excess of 10 illegal copies of our stuff for every one we sold. When such conditions exist, it is perfectly understandable that measures are often taken to try and prevent it.
The main problem is that everyone seems to take a different approach, and most of the implementations are bad. Legitimate customers of digital content are often faced with several dozen techniques to activate their operating systems, application software, and the various forms of digital media content. License restrictions are often hidden deep within some "End User License Agreement" that was written by lawyers for lawyers. Some activations require dongles, constant Internet access, credit cards, or subscription services. The user may need a dozen different UserName/Password combinations to keep track of all their stuff.
Even the user who is willing and able to jump through all the hoops necessary to get legitimate copies of everything on their system, will find it difficult to remain legal or discover what is legal after the fact. Just try and browse through all the files on a large hard drive and figure out what is legal and what is not. If the computer breaks, can you legally transfer your stuff to a replacement computer? If you buy a second computer, how much of the stuff you purchased for the first one can be shared with the second one without an additional license purchase? If you upgrade hardware, operating systems, or change services is the stuff you previously purchased still legal? Can you make backup copies without violating the terms of the contract?
The average user often gets completely lost in the maze and ends up with either illegal stuff or simply never purchases in the first place because the terms were never clear. Staying legal is a huge headache for businesses and individuals.
Users are often left out in the cold when their subscription service goes out of business or the content owner disables a necessary Internet server that enables legally purchased content to continue to be accessed. Some license agreements and software implementations are way too restrictive and you often have to purchase something before you can even figure out what you are buying.
I could go on all day and cite examples of DRM implementations that aggravated me personally or someone I knew, but let me just say that I have yet to see a version that I have liked.
When I designed the Didget Management System, content protection and activation were built into the core architecture. They are purely optional features. The average user can set up a personal Didget Domain with several Chambers and use millions of Didgets without ever wanting to activate any restricted content, but if they choose to, the features are there to support it.
When designing the features, I had to take into consideration a number of factors. I decided that if the features were to gain acceptance and be widely used they had to meet the following design goals.
1) The implementation has to work. Content owners will not release their stuff using this system if it doesn't protect the data from unauthorized access in the vast majority of cases. No implementation is perfect and given enough resources, some people will try to figure a way around its protections, but it has to be effective in 95%+ of the cases.
2) The system must make it extremely easy for the end user to figure out what has already been activated, what is available for activation, and what are the exact terms for each individual activation.
3) It has to provide a single activation process that allows for multiple payment methods. The end user must be able to activate software or a book using the same technique he used to activate his music or a movie. He should be able to pay for each activation using cash, a credit card, or some kind of account.
4) The system must provide flexible terms for activation so that content owners can provide a variety of ways to access their wares. One time use, unlimited use, limited term (e.g. 24 hours or one month), or a set number of accesses (e.g. 100 uses) are all examples of ways a merchant and their customers may want to conduct business for digital content.
5) The system must provide ways for content owners to allow existing customers to upgrade for a reduced price. It must be able to verify that the customer has a legitimate version that qualifies for the upgrade.
6) The system must provide ways for the customer to purchase content without ever revealing their identity to the merchant. The customer needs the option of an anonymous purchase using cash or an account where the account manager will see that funds are given to the merchant without purchaser information.
7) Any activations must result in the content being accessible for the full term of the contract without any further actions by the merchant. An Internet server cannot be required. Internet access cannot be required. A subscription service does not need to be current.
8) All activations must be valid for a set number of devices. When a user buys a song or a movie, it must play on all his devices without further activations. A simple synchronization is all that should be necessary to share or transfer access rights from one device to another. This mechanism must not work if the device is not one of the user's, however.
9) There are two ways most users are able to get access to restricted content - pay for it directly or get someone else to pay on your behalf (e.g. advertisers). Our system must enable both methods for activation.
My next post will describe our implementation and how it meets the requirements listed above.
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